^___^ So therefore we should post here!
I got Sims 3 today * _ *
So I put a little 'things, the CAS ! The game I still have yet to do so, because my processor (Celeron -.-) is a wheelbarrow ... Tomorrow I look for a Pentium 4 of we would finally stop the game andarmi jerky, and I can get the most options: D
only takes me ages to save and close -_-... but I think it's always the fault of the processor.
But in the CAS, there was to laugh XD ... I love it!
But let's start from the opening of the game:
A beautiful screen
: Q__
And here's the neighborhood! Perhaps you would see even better, but for now I can not put the settings at maximum.
In the tutorial, look XD I swear that I will make this option!
I am posting some useful information:
And this explains how to change family unit to play with. But the abandoned continue to grow on its own ... I say amen: so everything will be orderly and not have to be crazy to ever follow 1,000 families together @ _ @
And here explains how to add sims to the unit with which you're playing:) But
to the CAS ... COFF XDDD
I was dying to try this thing, sorry XDD
Before I present my self sim, although it is very similar (I have to get to know me), it is very nice, seems all soft *_*... I love it!
E. .. I Sims3izzato Hattie! XDD Do not blame me, it was she forced me, I am innocent!
bodies because his skin gave the order to look like a vampire, and the tips are green memory of his status by evil green witch in Sims 2
u_u But, makes me laugh XD seems funny, I do not know what did ...
I said, first of all, even if the CAS is the last point, I learned from : What fantastic * _ *
is that of my self, teen: since it is , teen has only 4, but I can add a crescendo him. (I was drastically honest XD)
While, er ... those of Hattie ... I think that will do damage. Also in Sims3. *___*;;;
And I could choose an intake of 4 or 5: I think one will take the brush. (* HELP *)
E 'was added this beautiful option: create a twin. * _ *
While this is the first part ... where you can choose even if the sim is fat or thin, and the muscles.
ARGH! XD Oh my god! (I had to do, mweheheheheheheh)
In default skin there are many interesting colors including red, green, blue and brown!
And you can choose which gradient put it:)
The usual variety of facial ...
... but it can also act in detail! Each of the blue dots at the top corresponds to a zone change: ears, cheekbones, jaw, chin ... and in turn each of these has various options below as you see:)
Date 1 eye here XD nasolabial furrows ? XD Wahahah
eyes, with the basic colors that seem dull but in reality they are not ... and then, in the bottom right, the ability to access the customization panel delcolore!
also for the eyes is the detail: a global shape eyebrows, upper and lower eyelid ...
Some noses ...
... with details ... (And the settings of the nostrils? XDD will be out of the excellent Ugly Challenges.)
Some mouths ...
and characteristics ... ...
Then there is the possibility of putting more or less freckles, and moles, one on one side of the mouth, and one under an eye.
tricks that are pretty bad but it's always been like that: P
In particular, there are also masks XD here are some
Some hair, with basic colors, and then the possibility of setting up of custom, of any hue, even the most sparaflashanti (to the delight of XD GoS)
Other hair, those with accessories: P There are also various pigtails, braids, hats. ..
The clothes are very nice! Not to mention that you can customize the color, texture ... and of these there are countless types! ___
Even the outfits are very beautiful * _ * (the dress of my self is a plain white shirt with a skirt made with the texture and color of white flowers)
AND FINALLY ... THANK GOD ... can choose the shoes! Here are just a few, but there are all kinds! Boots, flip flops, sandals, flats, sneakers, evening ... of course you can always paint:) my shoes are dyed white above, and have the heel made of a light gray (to stay in the same color of the skirt with tiny flowers)
fact people ... let me say ... I think Sims3 is already a very good level with the clothes, although base!
In the accessories there are the glasses ...
alone ... (and there are others)
Gloves, strange and ...
rings, studs ...
bracelets, earrings (there are also pending) ...
... and socks! XD
Optionally you can also stand barefoot!
Of course, all the accessories are customizable * __ *
I have not photographed the other dresses, evening dresses, from pajamas ... but they are very bellini: D
And then there's this thing of tastes favorite food ... (Macaroni and cheese, there was no pizza or steak. _.)
... music ...
... and color!
*______* And then the tone of voice! There's 3 types, and then each in turn is controlled in different frequencies, from deep in normal, acute ... whatever you want. There is also the trans, we seem to hear Platinette XD
My is quite loud, a little 'how to Doremi if you have this, as indeed I have in fact:)
Coff there are tastes of u_u Hattie and the voice is one of the deep, the seductive and evil ... mwahahahah!
And here's the picture of "family" ...
'I' I have a worried face °____°;;;
Then you can buy a house, furnished or not ...
... and there are all the other icons that indicate the various areas of the neighborhood! But I have yet to explore.
Here's a closer look at random XD came
And here's a visual medium ... under the menu I have not yet done anything because I did not play.
So, since I will be free this summer, ie from mid-July, x path of maturity, I can play regularly, and alternate : once Sims3 once Sims2 ... so do not forsake the HIATC * _ *
regard to my office, if you're interested, the essay I have been over for centuries, but I've already said on the forum, and now I'm going over and redoing all notes of all :°... are now virtually the little scribe. But in his spare time now to turn Sims 3 u_u Sometimes during the day, and then before going to bed ... and always before bed, read a bit 'and then play a little' to the Suikoden Tierkreis DS. (Yes, virtually no sleep at all XD but if the day ever study, I try to carve out spaces to relax!)
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