Here, I thought to do some 'post these images as they try to play ^ ^ "
I found out how I can play smoothly: taking the settings from medium-low. _. Vabbeh, at least until I make changes I have to, I can do something ^ ^ '
Sims can make funny faces XD And above all, have language * _ *
While the evil ones are a lot of bad things spontaneously XD
Then He started to walk so °_°...
WAAAAAAH! He frightened the girl XD
Apparently the sims traits distracted / clumsy often wonder what they're doing XD
Listening to music, the sims out evil " Balla so evil "° _ ° but not actually doing anything strange, you see, even smiling!
New discovery: if you click on your sim, it is the Switch, and you can choose which suit (we already have)! Or so you should not always rush to the cupboards ^ _ ^ I wonder if you can do in the community lots, I'll try!
mode buy is organized as follows: above, the small icons Kitchen, Bathroom, Office, etc. ... below, for select the various types, there's just the little drawing!
For example, choose the category of mobile ... I choose one (and beautiful model, finally * _ *)
The model of the object while the wheel! So we can see it from all angles.
And with this nice little key, we can generate one at random from the colors!
With the pc, the sims evil can trolleggiare XDDD
Going to visit other sims, before they open the windows you can see what happens:)
And by the way, you see the type roly-poly? Before I was gone from his house, but it was written that the owner was not at home ... I believe, was to visit here! What realism *___*
What a beautiful tipino ° _ ° but so for the record, is a henchman of the criminal society where Hattie has just found a job.
Then I was sent away because I was hungry and I was doing things with their pap ... ° _ °
They always funny faces, however, the sims here XD
ç_ç ... ...
Help ç___ç
Oh no, but LOOK AT ME T______T
... you can sleep so bad ... o_O that never changes is that nothing (Ah, Hattie RUSSIAN XD)
... and practice in the speeches of world domination for ever XD wicked sims
I changed my hairstyle to Hattie, who with that actually looked like a bunch Air Grouse ° _ °
... ç______ç hope not planning his (MY T_T) death!
Meanwhile, I am sent to sleep on the couch \u0026lt;__ \u0026lt;
sims distracted I can stumble and fall times less evil XD who has stuck to the desk!
Magnificent night shot * __ *
Ok, until next time, I quietly hope: D then maybe I can experiment a bit 'larger, but for the moment not because the coach is yet to come. _.
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