Fanfic: Slash, Romantic
Title : The yield
Pairing: Viggo / Orlando
This fanfic is homosexual love, though this may upset please do not read!
course is a fictional story, the two actors playing a part.
Descriptive Note: While running the "Lord of the Rings" in Orlando looking for every way to dropping Viggo in his arms ... we succeed? You will know in three chapters!
yield PART
What started all this? How could this happen?
I knew it would be tough but I accepted the challenge to myself.
time I was 41 years, the choice would be crucial to me.Nel within forty-eight hours I was on a plane to New Zealand.
did not know any of the people with whom I worked, I knew the project if not for the few that gave me the news director Peter Jakson by phone but by the tone of his voice, I realized that it was very important for him to realize those films, three to be exact, based on the famous books of the "Lord of the Rings", and he needed me.
This was the beginning and I was prepared to face the hard physical work and mental health that would require their implementation.
I never imagined the emotional impact it had on me was a young actor who was cast: Orlando Bloom.
was his first film, I was 20 years old and fresh out fresh from a school of art and drama in London.
was successful, with his talent, to be assigned the part of the elf Legolas.
Orlando was a very outgoing guy and sunny, affectionate, and I was very sympathetic, given his inexperience sometimes he was in difficulties.
made a habit every time to help him, and that was my downfall!
clung to me like flypaper, wherever I went I found myself behind him, despite being the intended victim of my jokes, sometimes cruel, he said that I felt protected, and New Zealand had no family, which was very close.
On the one hand helped him happy but our friendship began to be too exclusive.
I had a beautiful friendship with Sean Bean, another member of the cast and, of course, preferred to go out to dinner with him, we had about the same age and have many interests in common.
Orlando instead of going out with other guys in the cast, also very young, they invited themselves.
That evening I arrived in Orlando and advance appointment with Sean, I was sure I would have already found because Orlando, for fear that tirassimo a bin, coming well in advance.
I think this was already smoking ears, I felt undermined my freedom.
I talked very seriously about that young man did not care if my words would look at me with his eyes and I would feel a worm. I wanted my freedom back!
Maybe I was taking the situation too much chest but, inside me, a bit of time growing unease, especially when, with any excuse, I touched a part of corpo.Immancabilmente felt a jolt go through me.
I could not understand why, I had never happen to anyone, not even with the many women who I had in my life and never ever with a man, a boy too! This
What made me feel bad, I had to remedy it.
With those thoughts in his head reached the predefined location.
I saw him from afar, leaning against a wall while watching the nails, visibly sensed nervoso.Forse something from the morning, when I was rudely answered the umpteenth question about a scene we had to run together.
raised his head as if shooting had intercepted my thoughts. He offered me one of his legendary smile, that made me melt like snow in the sun.
I gritted my teeth and fists to force me, I was losing my confidence and this infuriated me even more with "Mr. Bloom innocence!"
-Orlando, we have to speak, before you get to Sean-! Ilsorriso disappeared from His handsome face, which became pallido.-I came to the conclusion that our friendship is too close to me! - I looked
in the eye, clearly worried about what I was going to say.
With his sensitivity had realized that something was wrong, that my way of doing was sending clear signs negativi. Orlando-...- I started, I did not look at him, for fear of not being able to spill the beans, but more , tried to turn her face sideways, the more he followed me with his body, looking with my eyes. Finally I
decisi.-Look .. I know you're in your first experience in cinema .. you're away from your home, but it is not fair you're so attached to me, you should try to attend the comrades Working on your age, you have to go out with them, that's not good you're stuck me in the ribs! -
He looked at me as if I were an extraterrestrial, just after a flash of pain crossed the two stars who had to occhi.Con trembling voice said to me
-I am glad to meet you outside from the set, but I see that you do not mind that! .. Excuse the trouble! -
He turned on his heels and vanished.
I wanted to stop him but was too quick for me.
I regretted immediately spoke to him that way, but I said it was better that way, things would have adjusted themselves with the passage of time.
throughout the week that followed was held away from me as he could, consistent with the scenes we had to run together.
I noted with dismay that when we went under the shed that served as a table, sat down next to a guy named John, who worked with the assistant regista.Un attraente.molto tall and well built guy who had the easy joke.
Sometimes I could hear them laughing, for sure John had said one of his, and Orlando hung on his lips.
-Si is comforted soon!-I thought.
I did not know, but it was all staged his behavior.
I learned that night he slept little and hardly ate.
In hindsight, I remembered that the pot was still in Orlando almost full, at the end when he left the lunch table.
After two weeks of treatment that I could not più.Cercai to talk to him, but it escaped me.
finally noticed his face pale and excavated, the occhiaie.Mi were some strange ideas in my head, I suspected that the night passed with John, and ... Oh no! Li immagginai naked in the shower that touched 's one another pretty face .... The Orlando relaxed into an expression of pleasure.
imagined them to come out of the shower to dry .. .. What the john to take him on the bed .. did it spread and licks the whole body and in the end .... no .. no .. no .. it could be what I was imagining, Orlando was not gay, never said it was, but how many guys who are the hidden, sometimes even to themselves!
I decided that I would have kept an eye!
time I could not imagine how I was far from realtà.Allora did not even know I was jealous rotten.
I could not admit it, especially with me stesso.Incominciavo however believe I was wrong to remove that way Orlando.Lui I avoided like the plague, was mortally offended with me for having rejected without appeal.
I began to hate myself for doing it!
Ten days later we left the Sunday off. Orlando
I thought to ask if he wanted to come to the beach with me, finally passed a carefree day, I could clarify a once and for all the problem that had arisen between us.
That night I waited for him to finish make-up removal and waited outside the Cunterbago.
He was surprised to see me there, standing outside the door smoking a cigarette.
He wanted to keep going but I grabbed a braccio.-Orlando awaits you!-I told him.
-What do you want?-I said so unfriendly.
-Wait ... let's talk a little bit, not so much that we do!-I realized that I have assumed a tone of prayer by saying those words, but I did not care.
-Certainly not my fault. .. Vigguccio! -
he said sarcastically, but clearly heard his voice tremble.
do not know how it happened but stretched out a hand and gave him a pat on the cheek, a gesture was absolutely not premeditated, first of all that surprised myself.
He let go a little bit, then I woke from the trance into which I had fallen and took the opportunity to parlargli.-First of all I wanted to tell you that you're right to be angry with me, I behaved like a true villain and more ; to pass all this time to apologize! -
-What is done is done! -
tried to cut him short, No! .. wait! ... let peace come on!-Incalzai .
-Okay! -
said finally surrendering.
-So you know that you're the one who does and undone! - said in a tone of melancholy and
rassegnato.-Come on ... let's get a lid on it!-I wanted to see her smile in those days I was so lacking.
He looked at me straight in the eye.
-You know I can not return to business as usual! Now I know what you think of me! - Orlando
-No! Exclaimed-"It is not true .... What do you think of you if not all of the possible good! .. you'll see that will settle everything! -
-Okay! "he said, yielding but little conviction.
-I would go to the beach, domani.Vieni with me?-In a second his face turned from the radiant disappointed.
-I already promised John that I would go with him -
-Oh "I said, unable to conceal the disappunto.Dopo few seconds his face lit up.
-Can you come with us, "said beaming for thinking of that solution.
-Yeah! -. I thought to myself, I could go with them, you know what fun! But I could not afford to be that of squid all day alone with my Orlando!
I changed my expression and I see entusiasta.-Okay!'re On! "Said with all the enthusiasm I could scrape together. We sat
agree quickly to the next day and we parted, I went more to him and grabbed his hand gently on the side of his neck, he leaned against the plan on the cheek and lips baciai.Lui remained absolutely still, then I said,
-A tomorrow then! -
Then he vanished. Continue
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