And so today, the extraction took place for those who will be the bride of the Klavier HIATC !
(I've highlighted the names because they saw evil: P)
And the winner is ...
... our dear
If you do not mind, because your lj is already one of the sims downloadable, I would take it from there!
But I need you to send me the character of its features (like how many points of cleanliness, laziness, sympathy ...), his desire and his likes / dislikes ^ _ ^ so faithful to keep a character ' original!
For all others who did not win today Do not despair, because in HIATC will have the chance to enter to each generation its own sim! sims can run again, or they, will be decided when the heir to the next generation, and so on to the next, and the next ... quite a challenge mixed: D
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