Trade Me Tooth Mousse
Orlando Bloom, Johnny Weir slash fanfiction "If I had you!"
Part 36 °
zero.All Groundhog Day 'begins with a bit of fear for the truth, fearing that the old problems could recur, that Orlando could not forget, perdonarmi.Poi one day we realized that everything was now behind us and we spent a perfect year, giving us a happiness we never hoped to achieve.
course, our respective jobs did not leave much time to savor it, but it was good anyway because even when we were away we knew we belonged, which was more important than any of us, thinking we were constantly together.
I got an entry into a company of ballet as a dancer in the second row and, considering my lack of experience in theater, I really had fortuna.Questo I once ran in front of Orlando said that I scolded
-And you call that luck?-surprised-I said I rather call it bravery, my friend absolute and clear talent! .. You must learn to have a little more consideration of yourself! -
Saying grabbed me and kissed me on the mouth.
-If I told you that you're beautiful and that no one dances like you?-I whispered.
was about to answer but gave me the time, because it took hold of me with enthusiasm and passion.
takes a long time, hours and hours of grueling tests to send to port the design of balletto.Ci subjected to grueling tests, the last night lying in bed with the telephone receiver attached to the ears, fall asleep to the sound of your voice whispered sweet to Orlando to my hungry soul.
That period was truly magical for both of us, our fellowship was growing up, because we learned to know even a little edgy parts of our carattere.Così finally felt to belong completely, leaving my soul to express freely.
At that moment I did not believe that fate had still want to play with us.
The night debut in the theater there was a lot of people, I felt the tension growing out, but everyone reassured me that he had just raised the curtain I would immediately calmed and everything would come naturally.
Orlando told me he would do anything to be there, and I was sure that if I had seen in the audience would have fainted, but I would be in danger of having even a few meters away.
while dancing, although I had promised myself not to look at the audience every now and then my eyes fell on his reserved seat, empty naturalmente.Sarebbe was too good that he had been là.Invece when we came near the end of the first act I saw him, with a smile from ear to ear as if to say:
- Have you seen? despite your pessimism are here!-Contrary to what I was afraid I put a little more enthusiasm, knowing that he looked at me. Unfortunately there was only
Orlando Alan looked at me as well, sitting next to him knew his impresario.
I wanted to think it was just a case, it was just come to watch the debut of the newly formed company.
was a triumph, when we went outside there were photographers and journalists waiting for us and had formed an incredible crowd.
I managed to melt quickly enough, I wanted to run into the arms of Orlando I definitely expected to casa.Avevo done all that was needed after the ballet, including the right to erase the image of Alan sitting in the pit of my testa.Per this Orlando gave me a big help, because we spent a night of fiery passion of love, that there were fifteen days vedavamo. The morning
after we had breakfast in the kitchen wearing our soft, white robes, as usual I was sitting on his knees that robbed most delicious morsels from the dish, while he left to do, now resigned to the habit I had, meanwhile, told me what happened recently on the set where he was shooting his latest film, making me laugh out loud for anecdotes and skits that sometimes happen while working.
Right at that moment my phone rang:-O no! .. And who is now breaking?-I reached the table near the sofa and took my cell phone kept ringing:-Ready? -
-Hello princess ... Guess who I am?-recognized voice of the hateful Alan.Istintivamente interrupted comunicazione.Sentii a lump in the throat.
-all right? -
Orlando's voice was heard behind me and unintentionally trasalii.Senza realizing I was still and motionless with my cell phone in hand and seeing me so Orlando was worried.
Before you turn around to him stirai lips into a smile and went incontro.-all is well! Andandomi-I said to take refuge in his arms.
-Oh ... well why the two of us we have to finish a speech!-Looked at his watch and said
-I just seven hours before my flight and I have to tell you that I fear will just ENOUGH! -
So saying he made slipped my robe on the ground and grabbing for the life squeezed my own possession.
That evening he left Orlando, and I prepared the meeting with Alan.
He had done nothing but send me messages on the phone that day, saying that he absolutely had to see me and not force him to do bad things.
I had a bad feeling in the pit of the stomach, for me it meant trouble was imminent and because it is difficult to Alan that I was wrong. Continue
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