Well well, today's post is a "special" where you will find various contents:
- the meaning of various names I give sims
- a nice photo chronicle of my townies extermination of the ugly and bad u_u since I've also downloaded the hack to improve the faces of default, I had to kill the old = D
- the legacy of the family tree! I realized that with all the bailouts and Simmi I lost, you will not have very clear ideas = P
So, let's etymology of names: I do not hardly ever give at random, and often are drawn by something in particular: D
So, I chose not always a given name to give the sim the character the person, often just because I liked the name ... but it's also happened many times that correspond to the name you chose to do so.
So I will focus on the names that have actually passed on the sims: D
from ... the legendary Hattie
"Hattie" and "Olive" are the evil stepsisters of Cinderella-like film "Ella Enchanted "Hattie D obviously is more awake and it is a STRO ... STRO ... astronaut ... auta ^____^;;; the devil in fact. Olive is a little 'sister ship invisible, not really bad from the bone, and in fact was so in legacy.
In the movie: we do not like o_o I found other photos are taken in low light. Anyway here were doing a wild cheer the prince XD Hattie is dressed in orange and Olive in purple.
Since we are interested in is Hattie , I put another picture of the same actress in another film ... same role, I think. ù____ù by Cole and originated the Hattie we all know. * Bow *
However they are the third generation before them there were other sims-all lost-but without real justification for the name: °
continue ...
Hattie has two children, Hope and Phoenix . They are the ones that we are now following words: ° more or less * cough * , RIP Hope ...
In any case, "Hope "In series" Xena "is the devil daughter of Olimpia and malign god Dahaka.
dear child, there is only one of the thumbnails ... brackets that character, grew up, is identical to the mother Olympia, but ruthless as his father Dahaka. You are almost lucky that our sim-Hope is already dead and that's it XD
E " Phoenix," the trilogy " Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney " is a lawyer half but so unlucky so cute XD
regard to creed now defunct (I always crash) Sunset legacy, we talk about the second generation, and Jessie Charlene: D
These names are of two different characters in two different movies, but interpreted by same actress Marguerite Moreau ,
that in "Firestarter : rekindled " was Charlene , called Charlie, a young woman with paranormal abilities of the pyrokinesis (ie setting fire with the thought ... nice eh?: D: D)
and " Queen of the Damned "has interpreted Jessie ... well, a researcher of the paranormal craze by the desire to become a vampire olè u_u
We now turn to a couple of generations later, historians and Joseph Camillo XD I had already called the source , and in fact ...
the legendary Camillo and Peppone from "Don Camillo "! : D After the war, a priest and a stubborn combative mayor fighting like cats and dogs XD
Finally, we come to discover the hidden meanings of names of HIATC U_U ... The founder is our
And she is none other than a kind of 'goddess of misfortune' Maggey Byrde always the video game 'Phoenix Wright ': D First sfigatissima police officer, and then, after the dismissal, a waitress in a French restaurant where the food has an astronomical price and it sucks. u_u
And what about Klavier ? The next candidate for the Little Prince? * _ *
from continuing the series, " Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney " Klavier Gavin is a rockstar that lost time, is also the prosecutor XD Very famous, he's 'Womanizer', deservedly: Q_
I believe it will also influence its version-sim, but very very very very ... u_u
in the series: first by 17 year old (and do not seem °_°), and then a few years later.
And what about animals? Well, I have to speak only of one: Akash commanding U_U
How could I not choose a name for such a diabolical evil as Simma Hattie? : D I just come up with "The Queen of the Damned " the third book of "Chronicles of Vampire" by Anne Rice.
Now is the time of my extermination ... U_U and we were waiting for the death of you will share some of the most hideous ... Meanwhile
* hehe * I've found that perhaps the reaper is a woman! XD Look at that hair!
Nah, you just my bug: P. ..
Simma The blonde you see is the anonymous killatrice officer also to clean the ash XD But you know later ... in a legacy ... but as for now you do not see his face U_U
Killatrice: "The Beast. Die. "
Beast" Uhuuuuu a satellite close-beeeelllooooooooo! "
Beast: " How nice that be ... "
Beast2TheReturn: "Uuh g the z mo ono two z beading around ... "speaks in the nose * *

Belle: * looks innocently *
*____* TU. You will.
Monster: "Blugh blurblublublublub ..."
And I'm tired but really to find abortion-_______-
Orridus: "I'm maaaaaaaaaleeeeee ..."
Exactly. And 'good thing. And here
PART of my work ...
The end result is this (I killed a lot 'of downtown ugly: P):
Ok, after that ... to pass pedigrees ! : D And
'HIATC's obvious that I did because I just started ^ ^ "but the other there, well that crash. _.
I put the legend, I hope you understand well ... the large number of dead is due to the fact that losing your saves, I even lost the previous sims: °
One ...
And two:
once said that, for now the transmission is over, I hope you enjoyed and resent! ^____^ .... * Cough *
Announcement: you'll see a short notice of renewal in the journal ... in short, put it back in again, new layout, new tag, I'll just make the covers in all posts, and down to each linker previous updates ... a more orderly journal is a journal happier: D