I decided to pick a sim of all generation in the eleventh district Phoelia, and let him start a new legacy. ^. ^ Let's hope so ...
And here's the choice: Silvia Tulip. Yes, it's random photos of the brunette in the last post!
He moved in empty lot, the house sucks and bla bla bla.
Just salt, the neighbors who come here. -.- Well, are the usual, and then does nothing.
With the little money that remains after buying you need to stay alive, Silvia orders a good lobster. The waitress, although nice, is unfortunately a woman ...
During the afternoon spent at the restaurant, an infinity of sim (no longer) passes in front, stopping even to speak in front of his desk. This area really shines for education ...
The only decent to be able to know is that Silvia Holden, which is now called home. Well, it seems like it!
To avoid starvation (not enough money for the fridge), Silvia order a pizza after Holden has gone away. Ok, the bellhop is horrible, but do not tell him so cute! XD
However, after a few visits Holden is cooked! Here is their first kiss ... a bit ', um, strange ... oO
Soon after, Holden takes the initiative and flirting alone! Wow, I had never seen as free action ... You can see they are made for each other!
Holden moved to her, but no sex. There are two serious Simmini these!
As for work, Silvia has now started working in the career game, while Holden is Vice President and earns a lot of money. Oh, welcome, dear!
And so, as the house slowly takes shape, The engagement!
Ah here, without ring Silvia did not want to do anything, but now ...
And here's the first pop. And the last, too. Why ...
happens ... incredible!
Holden was making his marriage proposal. As you can see, there's something strange ...
Perhaps upset by the proposal, perhaps only an idiot, Silvia THREE DAYS
There is no way to move it.
I try to sell well, but there appears again blocked. -______________________-
The strangest thing is that, on the third day of coma, Silvia spits out the baby ... oO without unlocking! Bah! Anyway, here
Simone ... The child of mystery.
And immediately after her birth ... MAGIC! Sylvia starts to move and still has the belly! O_____________________o
Holden: Welcome back, dear ... Ma .. wait a minute ...
Holden does not trust much of Simon. In fact, me neither. I doubt that it is able to spy in his diary.
and the next day (ie, after only the first "pop"), Silvia gives birth to second son of the mystery.
Holden is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
The two children have a difference of one day. I think it is a unique case in history simmica. XDD
What do you want? It 's all your fault! > __ \u0026lt;
The child of the mist ... Um, Simon becomes a toddler horrible. TT I begin to wish for death.
The next day, Claudia becomes a toddler ... well ... uhm ... boh?
Here they are playing, the two child prodigies.
Since out of the coma, Silvia hates the world.
Simone manages to surprise me again, taking a child's face considerable ass.
Ops. Let's hope so, this time!
And Claudia, however, a child begins to improve.
Holden spends much time at work, Sylvia makes his foul deed, and the children eat fruit juice.
During his ... second? third? pregnancy, Silvia eat a lot of industrial stuff.
Holden is now gone. And how can we understand it.
And hey presto, Giorgia here.
And here to toddler. Mah
As usual, my legacy is strange ... -.-''
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