Fanfic The yield
The yield
third and final part
Orlando does not even put down the bag, went directly cucina.Sentii in the fridge door that was open, I laughed to myself a little sadistically because it would have found almost completely empty. Orlando came into the living room with a dejected air. Vig-Hey, you in your refrigerator produce an echo-scary - you know that lunch almost never home! "Said nonchalant tone. -And now what? ... I have an atavistic hunger! "Exclaimed melodramatically-.- You can get a plate of pasta!-I said-If I remember correctly should there be more! -
-I can not cook!" Said , with a face that I wanted to make him a picture! -I knew I had to send you to your house! Exclaimed, panting. Resigned, I went into the kitchen to see if something failed to remedy. -You are a treasure Vigguccio "he said. -Yes, si.Tesoro a pair of balls! "I said softly to myself and cursing. Patiently sat on the water was still fuoco.Se garlic in the pantry I'd Bingo! Rovistai between the cans and thankfully did not try for long, there were plenty-Whew! Exclaimed-between me, I arranged un'aglio and oil, without needing to make the sauce. While I was busy in the kitchen I heard that the Orlando muoveva.Mi occurred to him that on the stereo I had my collection of Argentinian Tango, vinyl unavailable ormai.Mollai everything and rushed there. My instinct was not mistaken, I found the vinyl in hand with Orlando, and had already pulled out some of its case and support them regardless where they would. -Orlando! I cried out suddenly, and I soon realized I made a mistake because he jumped in fright and ran a course that ended him in the ground but, fortunately, landed on the carpet and did not break .- Orlando! you must be crazy ... but I understood where to put the disks? .. There is sand in them, only to look around and they are scratched! - He did not answer, her face all drawn and pale. -Sorry, I did it on purpose! .. I did not know ..- stammered costernato.-Okay! - I said, Forget it ... I should warn you! - Twenty minutes later, finally, we sat on the veranda to eat . .. What a good-Mhh, Viggo! Would right to marry! --This does not make me laugh! "answered seriously. After dinner I sat on a rocking wooden-looking that he must have done the Punic Wars. Finally I sat down with a nice sigh lit a cigarette, Orlando, who wandered a bit inside and some outside the veranda, had the bright idea to come to straddle over me, just to break a little the so-called. - Orlando! I said impatiently, is hot .. and I'm smoking!-I exclaimed as I tried to get him up from my ginocchia.Intanto he laughed in his sleeve. Vig-Dai! .. Let's shoot for one! - He said he tried to take over the mine-sigaretta. No way! "If they want answered are on the table! -Dai .. Yours is better! "said with a smile that made me do a somersault to the heart. I had never noticed, in a rational way, the attitude he had with me, as a way he used to do, dare I say "sexy." Vig-Dai! A shot only! Insists, is meanwhile trying to get me a cigarette, but I do not give up. -So let me take the smoke from your mouth! - I looked at him stunned and, as I was automation, I took a puff of smoke. Our eyes never left. Slowly he leaned toward me and a few inches from my lips parted lips and stuck it on my own as a kind of suction cup and sucked the smoke out of my mouth and held him for a few seconds and then threw him out, moving away slightly from the side. Up to that time had held his hands resting on the back of the chair then moved slowly moving them on my shoulders. -Orlando. " I whispered in a low-voce. careful, it burns the skin for the sun today!-I had to rationalize, I could not let go, no I could not! I thought with extreme discomfort. - "More!" - Commanded lui.Portai the cigarette to his lips and took a boccata.Le his soft hands reached the base of my neck and back rincollò his lips to my repeating the action than ever before. We went on like this until the cigarette was not completely consumed. Slowly crushed the stub in the ashtray, while Orlando settles better of me, to feel my manhood, I thought long dopo.In m'ccorsi that moment that I was hard with excitement that I had to have it on me so. Then moved his hands on my chest and felt them very slowly, his face was serious now and I could not even move a muscle, I could not force myself to fall away. M'afferrò wrists and forced me to put his hands behind his neck and head. When I slipped my fingers through his hair I lost, I pulled him towards me with a jerk and I kissed him, rubbing my lips on sue.-Not! - I thought dismay!-Lo moved away from Me-S 'is late! .. let's go to bed! - I looked at him strangely, but said nothing, got up and started to return home, but suddenly turned shooting. Can I use the shower, please? - I asked with a voice that I could not definire.-Fa as well! I said-I .--Thanks! - Then disappear into the compartment doors. I sat on the rocking chair for an indefinite time, I could not think of anything: No, I thought one thing: That I was just an imbecile! -What is to arrive at a mature age and when you act like this! Orlando is only a boy, has felt a pulse sexual orientation and has slackened, but I have no excuses, I do not have twenty years! - I told all the good stories they can not admit that we were both fired, but I could not accept it. He spent some time and there was all silence. I finally decided to get up and go back inside. Sparecchiai and put a bit of order, then went into the bathroom to take a shower. I had finished I went into the bedroom, turned on the light and Orlando found lying on my bed, put across, that dormiva.Indossava only a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still wet. I let my eyes slide freely on her beautiful body, violão, taking advantage of his slumber. I shocked myself and sospirai.Ricordai all the fine words about the maturity that I had just now done. I resigned myself to sleep in room service, so I turned off the light, locked the door and went to the event. Open the door of the room and to my surprise I found it completely vuota.Imprecando to myself I remembered that because of certain works had been emptied. Moral of the story: O I slept on the couch with broken springs, or ground, or next to him. Bravely went back to my room, where there was "The Sleeping Beauty." I went to bed, I was undecided whether to take him by the ankles and move or lie down too traverso.Emisi another sound of breath and I went up the cupboard, opened it and took out a blanket for two people, lying on the bed, I took the two pillows that were at the head, gently lifted her head to Orlando and slipped him a gently under my head, I lay beside him and I finally put my head on the pillow. I stretched out my hand toward the switch and turned off the light. A day-exhausting-I thought. As I slipped into sleep, in a last glimmer of consciousness, I realized the smell of the body of Orlando.Mi turned the other way and I curled up as far away from him. -Viggo! ... Viggo! - I was dreaming of Orlando's voice calling me. I opened an 'eye and I immediately realized where I was, reminding me of a sudden the last twenty-four hours, which was really him next to me. With the open eye watched the clock on the bedside table. -Four in the morning! -Orlando, what is it? "I said, summoning all the calm that I could have. -I wanted to tell you that we can put ourselves in the right direction if you want! - Said with a sweet tone. I did not have the courage to tell him: What would be served? He had done so, take it or leave it. Without getting out of bed If we spostammo.-Your Grace is satisfied we can go back to sleep? "She said. Yes, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry I fell asleep on your bed, I had relaxed a bit, but then turned out that I fell asleep! -Never mind! .. Back to sleep now! -Okay!-Murmured. But in a flash came to me and kissed me on the die-Orlando labbra. sleep! - He turned away and as I said, "I can not next to you! - For at least a few minutes silence reigned, then reached out a hand to his head and stroked. After a while he squirmed and pulled closer to me, adhering with all his body at the closed mio.Io in my arms, shoulders and stroking her hair. -Let's do it! "Said encouraged by my affection. -No, I said-decided-It 's just an infatuation ... we will see! - In response squeezed even more strong to me, while I can not resist, I had the smell in the nose, which I will take off. -I am completely naked! - I whispered in his ear! -Not that you have taken advantage while I was sleeping eh? - Murmured crowns dose.-Orlando ..! Viggo-Shhh ..! .. I want .. I can not!-Its on my lips parted, leaving me no more scampo.Ormai was full of him, his smell, his words, his kisses, now multiplied on my face, mouth, around my lips, inside ... I rose and fell on him, my hands were free and the final touch, as I always entirely under voluto.Lui s'abbandonò me and moaned softly to the delight of my surrender.
-I can not cook!" Said , with a face that I wanted to make him a picture! -I knew I had to send you to your house! Exclaimed, panting. Resigned, I went into the kitchen to see if something failed to remedy. -You are a treasure Vigguccio "he said. -Yes, si.Tesoro a pair of balls! "I said softly to myself and cursing. Patiently sat on the water was still fuoco.Se garlic in the pantry I'd Bingo! Rovistai between the cans and thankfully did not try for long, there were plenty-Whew! Exclaimed-between me, I arranged un'aglio and oil, without needing to make the sauce. While I was busy in the kitchen I heard that the Orlando muoveva.Mi occurred to him that on the stereo I had my collection of Argentinian Tango, vinyl unavailable ormai.Mollai everything and rushed there. My instinct was not mistaken, I found the vinyl in hand with Orlando, and had already pulled out some of its case and support them regardless where they would. -Orlando! I cried out suddenly, and I soon realized I made a mistake because he jumped in fright and ran a course that ended him in the ground but, fortunately, landed on the carpet and did not break .- Orlando! you must be crazy ... but I understood where to put the disks? .. There is sand in them, only to look around and they are scratched! - He did not answer, her face all drawn and pale. -Sorry, I did it on purpose! .. I did not know ..- stammered costernato.-Okay! - I said, Forget it ... I should warn you! - Twenty minutes later, finally, we sat on the veranda to eat . .. What a good-Mhh, Viggo! Would right to marry! --This does not make me laugh! "answered seriously. After dinner I sat on a rocking wooden-looking that he must have done the Punic Wars. Finally I sat down with a nice sigh lit a cigarette, Orlando, who wandered a bit inside and some outside the veranda, had the bright idea to come to straddle over me, just to break a little the so-called. - Orlando! I said impatiently, is hot .. and I'm smoking!-I exclaimed as I tried to get him up from my ginocchia.Intanto he laughed in his sleeve. Vig-Dai! .. Let's shoot for one! - He said he tried to take over the mine-sigaretta. No way! "If they want answered are on the table! -Dai .. Yours is better! "said with a smile that made me do a somersault to the heart. I had never noticed, in a rational way, the attitude he had with me, as a way he used to do, dare I say "sexy." Vig-Dai! A shot only! Insists, is meanwhile trying to get me a cigarette, but I do not give up. -So let me take the smoke from your mouth! - I looked at him stunned and, as I was automation, I took a puff of smoke. Our eyes never left. Slowly he leaned toward me and a few inches from my lips parted lips and stuck it on my own as a kind of suction cup and sucked the smoke out of my mouth and held him for a few seconds and then threw him out, moving away slightly from the side. Up to that time had held his hands resting on the back of the chair then moved slowly moving them on my shoulders. -Orlando. " I whispered in a low-voce. careful, it burns the skin for the sun today!-I had to rationalize, I could not let go, no I could not! I thought with extreme discomfort. - "More!" - Commanded lui.Portai the cigarette to his lips and took a boccata.Le his soft hands reached the base of my neck and back rincollò his lips to my repeating the action than ever before. We went on like this until the cigarette was not completely consumed. Slowly crushed the stub in the ashtray, while Orlando settles better of me, to feel my manhood, I thought long dopo.In m'ccorsi that moment that I was hard with excitement that I had to have it on me so. Then moved his hands on my chest and felt them very slowly, his face was serious now and I could not even move a muscle, I could not force myself to fall away. M'afferrò wrists and forced me to put his hands behind his neck and head. When I slipped my fingers through his hair I lost, I pulled him towards me with a jerk and I kissed him, rubbing my lips on sue.-Not! - I thought dismay!-Lo moved away from Me-S 'is late! .. let's go to bed! - I looked at him strangely, but said nothing, got up and started to return home, but suddenly turned shooting. Can I use the shower, please? - I asked with a voice that I could not definire.-Fa as well! I said-I .--Thanks! - Then disappear into the compartment doors. I sat on the rocking chair for an indefinite time, I could not think of anything: No, I thought one thing: That I was just an imbecile! -What is to arrive at a mature age and when you act like this! Orlando is only a boy, has felt a pulse sexual orientation and has slackened, but I have no excuses, I do not have twenty years! - I told all the good stories they can not admit that we were both fired, but I could not accept it. He spent some time and there was all silence. I finally decided to get up and go back inside. Sparecchiai and put a bit of order, then went into the bathroom to take a shower. I had finished I went into the bedroom, turned on the light and Orlando found lying on my bed, put across, that dormiva.Indossava only a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still wet. I let my eyes slide freely on her beautiful body, violão, taking advantage of his slumber. I shocked myself and sospirai.Ricordai all the fine words about the maturity that I had just now done. I resigned myself to sleep in room service, so I turned off the light, locked the door and went to the event. Open the door of the room and to my surprise I found it completely vuota.Imprecando to myself I remembered that because of certain works had been emptied. Moral of the story: O I slept on the couch with broken springs, or ground, or next to him. Bravely went back to my room, where there was "The Sleeping Beauty." I went to bed, I was undecided whether to take him by the ankles and move or lie down too traverso.Emisi another sound of breath and I went up the cupboard, opened it and took out a blanket for two people, lying on the bed, I took the two pillows that were at the head, gently lifted her head to Orlando and slipped him a gently under my head, I lay beside him and I finally put my head on the pillow. I stretched out my hand toward the switch and turned off the light. A day-exhausting-I thought. As I slipped into sleep, in a last glimmer of consciousness, I realized the smell of the body of Orlando.Mi turned the other way and I curled up as far away from him. -Viggo! ... Viggo! - I was dreaming of Orlando's voice calling me. I opened an 'eye and I immediately realized where I was, reminding me of a sudden the last twenty-four hours, which was really him next to me. With the open eye watched the clock on the bedside table. -Four in the morning! -Orlando, what is it? "I said, summoning all the calm that I could have. -I wanted to tell you that we can put ourselves in the right direction if you want! - Said with a sweet tone. I did not have the courage to tell him: What would be served? He had done so, take it or leave it. Without getting out of bed If we spostammo.-Your Grace is satisfied we can go back to sleep? "She said. Yes, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry I fell asleep on your bed, I had relaxed a bit, but then turned out that I fell asleep! -Never mind! .. Back to sleep now! -Okay!-Murmured. But in a flash came to me and kissed me on the die-Orlando labbra. sleep! - He turned away and as I said, "I can not next to you! - For at least a few minutes silence reigned, then reached out a hand to his head and stroked. After a while he squirmed and pulled closer to me, adhering with all his body at the closed mio.Io in my arms, shoulders and stroking her hair. -Let's do it! "Said encouraged by my affection. -No, I said-decided-It 's just an infatuation ... we will see! - In response squeezed even more strong to me, while I can not resist, I had the smell in the nose, which I will take off. -I am completely naked! - I whispered in his ear! -Not that you have taken advantage while I was sleeping eh? - Murmured crowns dose.-Orlando ..! Viggo-Shhh ..! .. I want .. I can not!-Its on my lips parted, leaving me no more scampo.Ormai was full of him, his smell, his words, his kisses, now multiplied on my face, mouth, around my lips, inside ... I rose and fell on him, my hands were free and the final touch, as I always entirely under voluto.Lui s'abbandonò me and moaned softly to the delight of my surrender.