HIATC, Gen 1.5 Hello people!
I'm delighted because I see in nature and in the air the first signs of revival! For the moment, the remains of the last snow is completely gone, and plants new life flows ... the first shoots appear ... and then a walk in the park around noon, when it's so "hot" to appear in April, listening to "Spring" by Vivaldi, is one of my favorite things to do ...
What happens to the snow when it melts? It becomes spring! So, I finally prepared another update! HIATC of time ... count that I can not post so often, but when I do I think of the post for more than 100 images ready XD!
Maggie, as usual, has a lovely face
-sin that the same can not be said for his brain ...-
However, it is time to go on vacation! And, ironically, comes at the same time also the tax collector XD
BUT. I wonder how the face Eaxis even to conceive such a thing.
Klavier has clear ideas on what will be his employment during the holiday u_u
It apparently takes a little thought to returning to the girl-leopard-dress ...
Restyling prize arrival also Maggie uu I like this hair too!
Surprise ... are on the beach! The place where we would all be in this winter cold ;___; so, as if I were them, I enjoy swimming in thermal waters that have undergone sling do.
He immediately puts you at ease eh: D looks increasingly like his dad ...
Maggie: "Geehee: D"
Klavier: "Thank you mom for sex-not-do"
Maggie: "...." ;
nom But we lose time, all at the beach! (Can I come too? T________T
* * brrrrrrr )
's focus in all directions on him. u_u
Oh but there is also among the guests this teen. Carina ...
* Notes * Chickens are roasted ... wait, there's a problem. ° __ °
Maggie nods that I have a beautiful color but it is always first! Must
the skin as it is not the default-___- patience.
Well at least we will not see a burned XD Klavier
redhaired : "Uhm ... are you going to stay for long? "
This is clearly feeling it: °
Oh but there must be some problem with the clothes of default, because this would be the Charlatan o___o
Klavier: "On guard! Defend yourself if you're a puppet! "
Aww, who does not want a Peter Pan like that!
Meanwhile, there are those who climbs ... so you know you look like a spider, Maggie?
This allows us to see the sights!
Cesso "Hub, get to do, hurry up! We must recover the Black Pearl! "... If, 'I'm excited o_o
Klavier:" La la la ... until the boat goes, laaasciala andaree ... : D: D "
Maggie :
* * hides the bone What are you, a dog?
ARGH! So if you leave the booth, you seem to you the ghost of Captain ç___ç
Klavier: "I want to try a. .. uh .. "
Honey, look what I know that axle is a bit 'unstable ... perhaps it would be the case ...
Klavier : "..."
... I would not want ...
Klavier: "ow ow OWW ...!!"
Klavier: "
AAAAAAAAaaAAaAaaaaaaAAAaaaaHHHHHHHhhhhHhhHhhhh X____________X "
Here, as it turned. -.-
Klavier :
* anf anf anf * What tremacoda X ° °
giving an eye to the nearest island Twikki nosta I have this strange rock that strange XD
Uuh, Maggie seems to have found a male who likes to be, so that you eat your hand XD
... er, sorry .. May he seems to have other tastes = D
Maggie: "Grrr I've lost sexual battle against my son! is / \\ / \\ é "
Klavier: " Once again congratulations for the sex that you will not do: DDD "
Oh there's quite a handful in the spa .. . the middle one does not seem bad.
And if we add the fact that there is in herself. -.-
.... Dead silence among the onlookers ....
Tipa: "not into the barrel in this watery catacomb even if we were inside the blond naked."
Maniac "... lick you like ice cream?"
Maggie : * leaves *
then decide, at least when I'm on holiday, to give some order for him to take some memento ... Klavier so backpacking.
Maybe it was better to leave alone XD
And after returning from a well head on the phone XD
Lol, poor.
Uuh I just got this * _ *
What we need is a nice trip the ruins u_u
Klavier: *
grated grated grated * And stop, you're itching to come to me!
* scratches *
And Maggie feels the urge to control the price of any item ...
Klavier: "You know, at the beach I met a girl from the red very clear ..."
Caio : Loses points
* *
Ops XD maybe it was the his girlfriend?
Lol: °
Maggie: "Hey! This 0.01293847 cents too! "
Klavier: " I feel observed ... \u0026lt;_ \u0026lt;"
Caio :
* stalks * Warning! Whether you want revenge?
Klavier: "Well done, according to here, you will not have sex: DDDD" The
luuuuunga knows him. Each doppiosenso is purely coincidental, I swear.
Maggie: "Uuhm ... eh, gra-thanks ... "
CessoAllaCassa :
: D
Aww but tell me how do you resist so much good things that start well for the bathroom! * Ç *
I want to get in the game.
Close a must.
Carinoo defects have not quiet: ° °
A beautiful view of the ruins, watch it well.
But the calm did not last long-____-I know well those moves ...
Klavier: * * yaaaaawn "What noiaaa ..."
Shut up you, ignorant.
absolutely automatic. I wonder if that maybe a relative of Phoenix Simstyle O__O
Woooo hooo I ____
May .. Inca .. did you fly of Maya. . _.
Maggie: "We're going to eat un'ananas surprise:)"
Klavier: "Yeow! Hot! "
We believe XD genius is fire, not the red water of the Trevi fountain! It will not be
mica that now the water kills anyone who makes an offer? 'I try it *___*
process with the clerk of course, that is expendable, it seems that already jeopardizes the indefinite life of my two sims? XD
Nuooo ... disaster! (
cit. Johnny Groove, Zelig XD), is back as before. _. apparently serves a bid to quell anger.
makes a face but cool = D
Oh hai, Ugly Betty. (Dressed in winter then. I really have to have some problem with the default clothing oo)
Then they look at you all, not to show, at least try it!
However, the blonde is cute u_u I authorize you to know.
All :
* * fiss Maggie: "I ... I maybe a swollen belly? "
No, I think the only thing full of air, in you, both the head XD
Ehr ...
UglyBITCH : "You're so young and beautiful for sure you've seen so many birds, just like me! "
UglyBetty: * approve * I would have two objections, but this time I will not, Your Honor.
Oh but how they run XDD They are nice though, does not it? * Cough *
CandyCandy: "AAAAAAAAHH NO WAIT! I do not want mica mate, just a nudist! "
Klavier: \u0026lt;= ( Nudist : * grins *
... But will only really a nudist? Meanwhile it is a bitch-___-
TipaIgnota : "And do not even want to caress."
So go a. .. get a ride!
See what else is in the boundary of this lot!
And I found this in the inventory of Maggie! Maybe he found while digging, but for dog bone!
Better get them back to the hotel again.
.... But what is he doing? Business under the table eh?
Oh no! The blonde hysterical Klavier followed up to here!
... Sigh, blissful ignorance.
BlondeKiller: "hello Say hello to your life."
Maggie: "Killer Blonde, please could you really delete it, so why go to the ends of tease always white? :) "
BlondeKiller: " Ok, I'll kill him with her fist. D: \u0026lt;"
maaa unnatural mother! .___.
Vecchietta: "But noo, you piss & lov: DD Namaste! Indeed,
Shaka brah uu "
Klavier: ".... sorry, I do not speak shakabrahnese."
Maggie: "Uhuh. Maybe she'll be there: D "
daiii But that is only one of the massages XDD
He looked bad though. o_o
And we believe that you are hot love. * _ * What go to the sauna suit? Get naked!
Maggie: "awwww ..."
Then you feel relaxed? Have you enjoyed?
No XD is angry with her looks that he never promised more than a massage, eh.
exchange of advice between rockers u_u
However, the holiday is over, time to go home ...
... now that Maggie realized that the receptionist you like XDD
came home ... ARGH! It 's true! There was still there that seizures ç___ç asshole
Maggie & Klavier :
"BBBBUAAAAAHHHH HOW TO SUFFER QUESTOOOOOOO" ... so, back to the usual habits.
Klavier: "I'm hungry. .... Still hoping that I'll be building something edible rain from heaven. "
Maggie: " I'm ANGRRRRRRYYYYYYY as usual. "Klavier
But suddenly is seized with a fit and rocking it ... gonna rock. u_u
What could I do
When they locked you
Away for this
Murderous crime?
All I know is that
I had trusted and
Believed in you
Now all I know is
That you are going
Away for your time
To pay the price
Of loving me far too much
Rolling on and on
I will not know
Where to begin
When I can finally
See you again
Without these hateful
Inhibitions of the law
How long will it take
For you to be able
To come back to me?
All that I want is
To stay with you
Forever despite your lies
If all there was
To be had was
Your paying for
This awful crime
Then I would encourage
You to go on with it
All alone in there
Will you really
Be all right?
For I know that
Thirteen years hard
Time for love
Can not be good
On our love for
Each other
Intanto Maggie s'è data una mossa ed è riuscita a rompere il pc -__-
Alè che pure da me ricomincia il circolo vizioso sonno/fame XD
Però mi dispiace quasi, volevo Klavier see if you suck at sleeping with his mother: °
But as you see, we hope to get up-to-wolf.
Congratulations, you're a pure genius XD
But look: he ate a soup Grandma's
damaged, then you got food poisoning ...
... but it was also
instantly healed by the same soup XDD
Any previous doubt, however, is clear: rather than go back to sleep with mom, is a hammock . (And say that they would also read, eh, but no one ever uses it.)
And given that the educational attainment (those crumpled and crushed down there) are always the same ...
... it is better to return to the women's selections. This is also nice, blessed are the new townies * _ *
And he likes this. But there is someone who sucks? XD
Viewed MAG I felt sorry for him, there to drown in alcohol loneliness ...
... I did take advantage of her, the gypsy. But
joking?! OLD and is now known that the hotel also the same pedophile o____o
Woowwww he meglioo * __ *
° _ ° but
Klavier: "Argh argh argh how I hate my mom and the man which betrays dad! >__\u0026lt;"
Maggie: "You're right, I do not like BUUUUUUU"
... 'n you never go well at all.
Maggie: "... but looking good ..." Klavier
sclera * * Holy ACR.
(although on second thought I could do better u__u only in lingerie? Not naked? Come on!)
Maggie: "Can you open me like a safe: D"
Maggie: "For sure you will be the owner of an express train."
And so the other side ...
Luckily I have no inteen or at this rate I would have ended up with 17367454756 heirs.
Eh but in everything these two NOT HAVE ENTERED MICA EH XD I do not know why remained on the bed talking.
now I'm taking pleasure in using the Gypsy: popping up a lot of new townies so beautiful that it became a mania * __ *
and another for Maggie, ole! How nice * _ *
But! Damn XD (and now
A more unlucky Maggie in love I've never seen XDDD
And then I noticed ... Mom hates Klavier now almost o___o will be for the (attempted) new relationships?
Well well well, a note: I know I had planned to use as a suitor to each heir a sim brought to you, but the problem is that
I do not want to install the sims ç__ç If I can not answer for this generation will choose the bride between the known symmetrical (and future) by Klavier, so we have material ° _ ° 'Why boh ... every time I click to install a sim, crashed in the control panel and the SimsEP8.exe greetings. _.
Also ... I took the book Peter Pan
* __ * I've never read the original version of Barrie
! I just started and it is so beautiful and carefree ... I love this genre, together even adventure / horror (see the Chronicles of the Vampires: °)
Then I always end up there for
Alice, I had stopped reading books for school ... for the moment I read Peter, then finish Alice: D
I procure books of tales of the Brothers Grimm ... would be much more comfortable reading on paper, on the Internet!