And here from toddler! Very, loooong like Leonardo ...
Oh, by the way, Leonardo! Here it is from teen! XD It looks like a nerd?
Despite its nerdosità, Leo has a HUGE success with the girls. The whole family is waiting to see who will be the next wife of the heir (which I think Leo will ... because Eugene is a clone ... -.-)
What gives him his first experience is this .
Well, it refused to start ... perhaps because Margaret went around the house almost naked ...
But then ...
Stella is in crisis. He has a personal stalker ... teen a postman who, for some strange reason, works with her and that every single day with her back from work.
Leo continues his love affair. This is Mary.
Mary has a role (and I remember his name) because Leo loves. But she makes a coy, you do not want girlfriends.
What is this stuff that flutters around stars? oO
Eugene, still unaware of the world is happy and content.
Margaret is often to collect letters of love or hatred for Leo ... Blessed boy!
These two are crazy. But there hated? And the betrayal? And how do you kiss with that stuff on??
Eugene becomes the child, confirming my theories.
I tried to give it an individuality ... XD
Leo struggles with his injuries every time he sees his mother and uncle approach. (The one behind is the girlfriend of the moment ...)
At this point I have made the commitment. All to study the kitchen! >. "Thus, for both.
A taste of the progress of the family mausoleum.
Remember the problem with the plumbing? There. He 's back. All the taps of the house went crazy. But why, why?
Leo lives a life of love, jealousy, betrayal.
John, not to spoil your enthusiasm, but ... you have been fired ...
Well, exactly.
Mar has finally won the prize for his career as a spy. A useless stuff ... like many other prizes.
* love, jealousy, betrayal *
Eugene, in everything, likes to create stories yaoi.
Azz. Who is not traumatized, here?
Soon after, in the bathroom you have created this slaughter ... Note Stella ... oo
Um, sweetie, it's time ...
Poor baby.
But cheers, Stella ages!
Become this beauty here, playing the trumpet because ...
... even the sweetest birthday Eugene!
Clone. Yeah. He also has the same character.
Stella consoles of old cooking delicious things.
Ops, the parrot is dead! ;., I think of old age, because he ate like a pig.
Although the same character (and looks the same), Leo and Eugene are a bit 'different reactions. Leo is more direct, more Eugenio so, dazed and slow.
And here at last Tues elderly.
Ages shortly after Massi ... portrayed here with stalker star (who still comes every day.)
And with the fifth generation we did too. See you soon with the sixth! ^. ^