Why no doubt keep us all ....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
South Park Francais Streaming
So where were we? For
Renee is the time to get into old age!
And there goes with this dress impractical. XD Long live Maxis.
It is also up to Andrew, but it does not take it as well.
Come on, how will it ...
time of growth: for Stella, who becomes an adult in the driveway.
But in this house because there is always a big mess? oO
Stella as an adult is very different from what I expected! It 'amazing, but definitely is heir. He looks ... I do not know ... hard.
Though it is heir, however, can transtullarsi with neighbors. XD
And it is the first experience with this guy. Become a professional dancer, which makes it very happy.
you and Massimiliano (also adult ... how they grow fast!: ') Are very close.
Massi feels so comfortable in the family that you leave to go and confess their wishes come ... deep ... XD
Meanwhile, the affair goes on portraits. I do not miss even one! ^ _ ^
Renee Stella and play football in a questionable way.
However, the only thing I love about Free Time is the pose that Stella takes when standing still. *.* How cute!
Massi, now designated heir, he continued his affair with Margaret.
She, bubbly teenager has become a serious woman and a little 'stiff, accepts his attentions with pleasure.
And so, after a while '...
could miss the general session of tai chi?
I know, dear. Welcome in this family.
Finally Massi can deflower the bride.
The deflowering is repeated incessantly for days and days ...
... until the sixth generation is not his first ... regurgitation!
They continue to mate throughout the meantime ...
And finally, during a quiet breakfast, Leonardo was born!
After the birth of her son, Margaret falls prey to a depression pedantic and repetitive.
In the usual casino, Leonardo becomes toddler ...
and ... it is monstrous! Well, well.
Ah, Cagnini if they are taken away! T____________T I swear that's not my fault, Milla has stopped eating while I was involved with Leonardo, and when I put the bowl in front of the muzzle was too late ... Sigh!
Goodbye. TT I hope you find a better master of this family of degenerates!
Every morning, everyone gathers around the breakfast table. Margaret usually still sleeping.
it blissfully impipa of school, jumps often, and always has 4 instead of doing homework read magazines in the kitchen. -.-
Overview useless I do not know because I have photographed. XD
Massi reveals a great father, despite a lot to think about work.
And immediately after celebrating their golden wedding in the snow ...
... Andrea dies! (And I lose it ... XD)
the same day, Massi get 'this stuff as a reward for the job. But what would it be? oO You do not need a tube ... Mah!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Replacement Heels For Shoes
A man needs five things: a woman, a tent, his hands, a keen eye and something to fight for
So read an old proverb, that his father had repeated since he could remember.
And his father knew what was going on, knew everything, or would not have done the Vitsa Krisnitori * **, although he had not yet reached the fifty years of age.
Barone remembered every word he uttered, before the send between gaggia *** to experience. Barone
But sometimes doubted the wisdom of his father, despite that simple thought still to be considered blasphemous.
The gaggia who had to follow, despite the cries of his mother and his sisters, was a strange guy. Even more peculiar than the others Gaggia.
not had a woman, although she was kind to many, had no tent, but he preferred brick houses and hotels full of fillers and junk gold to him, Baron, breathtaking, and hands he had, and also beautiful but you could see he did not have to use them a lot in his life, seemed so white and delicate, and had sharp eyes, green as the wet rain forest, but often, looking at them, it seemed to contemplate mirrors jade dark, where you could only see his own reflection indistinct.
As for something to fight for ... despite his apparent nonchalance, and although he could give the impression to be as lazy and careless of acacia, Baron had come to know enough to know that nothing he did was random, no words spoken at random, as was the rule of people like him.
Baron did not know what he was fighting for, but of course every day was a battle for Briar Krane, the acacia that his father had given him.
The boy sighed, pausing at the door of the bedroom. Katiza As always, his sister, had placed on the doorposts and handle white flowers and blue star-shaped. Even
Baron knew where they could find at each stop, even in the unfortunate rain-soaked island where they had established recently. Had requested it, had to have it pinched even speak, but she smiled as only he knew Katiza smile, and had not responded as only she could not answer.
were things to women, and these were to remain, but Baron knew that protected the gentleman acacia flowers, and that was enough,
Without further delay, threw open the bedroom door and entered, taking care not to make noise. Indeed, it was time to wake up, that pelandrone an acacia!
When the shutters of the two great windows were opened to let in the light of a sun unsuspecting English, and the heavy curtains of the bed canopy deviating, the figure who slept wrapped between the sheets let out a long, deep groan.
Baron shook his head.
He was thirteen years old, was almost a man, and had yet to do that by the mercy of a wayward gaggia, the night was the wee hours, and in the morning ....
sniffled and starts to shake it the pillows trying to get it in the most noisy and annoying as possible.
After a long silence that he doubted that the boy just before hearing the groan that was not a death rattle is not intended to be followed up, a head of tousled hair emerged from the white sheets, like a mermaid from the sea foam.
"What have I done so bad to offend your family and you deserve punishment, Ran Baron?" Briar Krane said, his voice hoarse, his eyes still closed, as she rose up in bed, shivering in the cool of the morning.
Barone estimated with the blame shirtless, hairless and white, wondering, not without concern if it were that easy for a man not to have hair on their chest.
"The gentleman gaggia should only be grateful to have the children of Zumber Ran as friends, not as enemies," replied the boy with impudence, throwing his head in a gown of green cloth damascatao. He knew that the acacia was not to be underestimated. He
saw what he was capable of doing, and without losing the smile.
But the hospitality was sacred, both for him and for his people, and even more so was the word.
And he had sworn to take care of Baron and Katiza Ran. And the Baron had sworn avrebeb returned the favor.
"Now get up, Briar Krane, and let me see what we came to do on this spit of land" challenged him, unleashing a cheeky smile, white face brown so as to be blinding.
* Krisnitori: at the gypsies, the presiding judge or moderator to Kris, the court of the tribe
** Vitsa: all more nuclei famigliari (Kumpanie)
***gaggiò: o gagè, i non zingari.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Hemoglobin Low Iron Normal
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted
back from a happy afternoon event, we are persuaded to accompany me to San Terenzo, one of the historic pilgrimage of my adolescence, where, deserted by tourists across the road, at least in the winter months, I went to revisit the places dear to My priceless and unforgettable Percy Shelley.
Villa Magni, now universally known as' Villa Shelley '(but what can you expect from the inhabitants of a town that has a hotel called' Hotel Shelley e le palme'?...) è ancora là, una sentinella bianca soffocata dal cemento di più recenti costruzioni, ma ancora ben distinta, come una signora che non tradisce se stessa nemmeno nelle circostanze più avverse.
Tornare a conteplarne i portici è sempre come rivedere una vecchia amica, o tornare in un luogo noto, sebbene, quando Percy l'abitò, essa dovesse apparire ben diversa, il mare che ne lambiva la facciata, insinuandosi in tutto il piano terra, impregnandola di salsedine e umidità.
Quello stesso mare (ma il mare è mai uguale a se stesso?...) che si distendeva palcido e tranquillo come olio sotto il cielo stellato, e contro il quale le nostre figure, issate sugli scogli, si stagliavano with the dramatic fading of fleeting shadows.
Some places never change, even when the world changes around them.
Or maybe keep the memory that is so intense that tracendere the actual contours of reality and show us just what we want to see what we pretend to believe.
The Dream of the Serpent has lasted so long, that I still wonder if he really stopped, or if my whole life is just a projection sets from the real, and what I have always been and always will be lies motionless in front of a white house in the Bay of Lerici, a stone swallowed by the ivy in Rome, the body of a teenager Cowgirl marble on a bed of waves under a dome of University College, Oxford.
But then I think about Percy, his hunger for life, and I realize that every moment has been lived and has its own because, even when I have the impression that the gray dust of the day and I would choke on every side.
Like the ghost of a dear friend dead Is Time long past
. A tone
Which is now forever Fled,
Hope Which Is now forever past, A love so sweet
It Could not last, Was Time long past
There Were
sweet dreams in the night Of Time long past: And
, Was it sadness or delight, Each day a shadow
onward cast Which made us wish it yet Might last -
That Time long past.
There is regret, Almost remorse, For Time long past
'Tis like a child's beloved racing
A father watches, till at last Beauty is like remembrance
cast From Time long past.